Saturday, September 16, 2006

Headin' Out to Eden... Yeaaaaah Brother!

This one's for Kathy "Herbert" Keegan.

I found a bunch of these silly Trek-themed inspirational posters online and just had to share.

The link is:

If you're a fan of the old show (and come on... who isn't?) surf on over there and check 'em out.

This one is my favorite--

Holy crow! Did I just get this numbskull site to actually load more than one image in one post?!

Praise be to the power of Trek!


kegn_15 said...

Gonna eat the fruit and throw away the rind!

Spock : " I am a golden god!"

Ok he didn't say that, but it would have been appropriate since he did some space rock jammin'

the dude in the back with the purple hair is my fav.


Dun- Dun Deuh -dun dun deuh-deuh - dun deuh dun deuh-

bumb bumb bumb bumb bumb!

Music from the fight scene with the Gorn! My favorite episode.

Lori said...

All Trek captains pale in comparison to Kirk. I never saw Picard or Janeway McGyver-ing up weapons like that diamond thing that Kirk came up with.


TJ Hooker Rules!


Dude, those posters on that site kick ass!

kegn_15 said...

Kirk & the Gorn on Planet Vasqez Rocks

Lori said...

Hey...didn't we go to Planet Vasquez Rocks?

kegn_15 said...

indeed we did :)

I didn't forget the re-enactment of the Kirk/Gorn death fight that we did.

TheOneTrueGuy said...

I think we still have those pictures! I'll look them up and post them a bit later.

kegn_15 said...


Lori said...

There's Herberts off the starboard bow, starboard bow, starboard bow...