Hee hee! Sorry, I just couldn't resist.
I figured it was high time I updated this fershlugginer thing but just couldn't really think of anything worthwhile to say. I know, I know... it's never stopped me before has it?
Anyway, here's another pic I ran across surfing through Google images trying to come up with an idea for a post:
This isn't too far off of what we actually saw as we limped across the state line pullin' a 2500 lb trailer with our rubber band-powered clown car. It was winter, we were in North Dakota... go figure!
Oh, and here's another (unrelated) pic just to get you thinking:

I noticed that they're "Manhattan Style" so I guess that one is for John.
Eat 'em up dude! You can have all of mine!
Har har har!
Next week: hopefully something a bit less stream-of-consciousness.
Yay, The Grumbling Blog is back.
Can of Fish Assholes? Does it also come in Chunky style?
Does that mean there's a New England style of Fish A**holes??
I think the vegans (are they really from Vega?) have a soy-based version.
Mexico used to have something like that but they marketed it all wrong. It turns out that "Soy Cabron" translates to "I am an asshole" rather than "Soybean-based asshole".
Chevy tried something similar in the mid-80's with the new Nova but no one in Detroit considered that in the savages native tongue "No va" means "won't go".
Mexicans (and car manufacturers) is sooooo stupid!
I got just about the biggest pair here dingleberry!
Dingleberry? Wasn't that Tom Bombadil's girlfriend in The Fellowship of the Ring?
Oh, that was Goldberry.
Speaking of which I can't wait to see THE HOBBIT...with a cast of straight to Video actors...
Gary Coleman as Bilbo, and Frank Zagarino as Gandalf!
Frank would be good but I'm holding out for Rutger Hauer.
welcome back guy! oh wait, i haven't been on here a while either....at least i know what they do with the manhatten assholes...
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