Saturday, December 23, 2006

Happy Bad X-mas!

Lori did the Happy Holidays thing with the sweetly remeniscient (yet still darkly warped) "A Christmas Story" post so leave it to me to darken things up just a little bit.

I know you're shocked. Here we go!

First off here's the Bad Santa poster in German... 'cause English just isn't nasty enough!

Now here's one I just found today.

I especially like the subtle mary-jane in the background. For all of you in California this one probably isn't all that unusual is it?

I'd post more but, as usual, Blogger is freakin' out if I try to post more than one or two pics at a time. I'll just have to make another post right after this 'cause I ran across a couple of Rudolph's that are perfect for the theme too.
Anyways-- Merry Christmas to all and to all a good, well... whatever.


Anonymous said...

bah humbug! LOL


Bad Santa had it's moments....Not a great movie but the midget makes it worthwhile.

kegn_15 said...

The second Santa


Anonymous said...

f** me santa, f** me santa!
that's all i pretty much remember from it...

TheOneTrueGuy said...

You mean you need to remember more?