Saturday, January 06, 2007

$^*%&^%#**&^^%$!!!!!!!!!!!! AGAIN???????

Here we/I go again!

I just found out yesterday that Hollywood's remaking another sci-fi classic, this time it's gonna be "When Worlds Collide."

Now anyone who's anyone who knows anything about sci-fi knows that George Pal's 1950's productions of "War of the Worlds" and "When Worlds Collide" are probably the crown jewels of the "silver age" of science fiction. While a lot of the other flicks of the day were pretty much excuses to go to a drive-in theater (remember those? Congratulations you old goat!) and grope some poodle skirt wearin' babe, George knew how to make 'em smart! They may seem quaint by today's standards but remember, things were different back in the stone age.

At first I was pretty jazzed because I thought, "Hey, this could actually be good! This story is actually ripe for a retranslation if done properly and with an adequate budget for some first-rate FX work!" Well now it's up to a new generation to defecate all over those old, cherished memories of decent storytelling, I guess.

Then I read on to see who was producing. It went downhill from there. Here he is...

I guess he just wasn't content with having doubled both H.G. Wells and George Pal over the proverbial couch and takin' a good, long waltz right up both of their respective stradachocoladas while consequently foisting off yet another "reimagining" on us.

Of course I have to accept some of the blame for that one, having actually been naive enough to go and pay for the limpid piece of lukewarm penguin poop that I had fervently hoped that it wouldn't be.

And as an aside to casting directors in Hollywood--

Guys! There have to be more cute young child actresses out there other than Dakota Fanning! Right????? I mean, come on!

After having a good cry and changing my underwear I summoned up the courage (oh foolish me!) to continue reading the post on the IMDB only to see the rest of my daffy hopes go up in smoke. The director is to be none other than...

That's right! Steven Somers. You got it... he of The M(D)ummy, The
M(D)ummy Returns, and, (best of all!) Van Hellsing. Yeah, I know I misspelled that last... it's actually more accurate that way.

I could go more in depth into this travesty but just go back to my "I Am Legend" post and substitute WWC for IAL and that'll do.





Lori said...

The pix (more than one! Woo hoo!) make it that much funnier...or is it pathetic?

So it looks like Steve-o's lending his name out to all of the hacks in town...fabulous. Now if only that meant the movies would be GOOD. Such a sad, sad day when having Spielberg attached means don't go anywhere near it. At least you have the George Pal versions on DVD to cling to.

kegn_15 said...

The last pic---my eyeballs! I'm traumatized..
and yet, that's exactly how I feel knowing that Somers is behind this.
Argh. He doesn't make movies. He makes tie-ins to themerides. Sell out!!
Don't even get me started on Van Helsing...

Villagers: " Oh no! We're being attacked by Dracula's flying vampire brides! Let's run OUTSIDE so they can pick us off one by one!"

Stupid! [ channeling Joe]

TheOneTrueGuy said...

My mistake... Somers is actually spelled "Sommers". I guess the name has two m's like ass has two s's.

That was my only mistake, however.


I'm perplexed as to what that pink/brown eye for Sommers actually is.

Anonymous said...

this is a film that dave hasn't actually seen! got it added to the "list"

TheOneTrueGuy said...

Devo-- the pink/brown eye thing is what you get when you do a Google image search under "asshole".

Just so you know.

Some day I suppose I'll show up in those same search results but I'm clear for now.

Lori said...

One 'm' or two...he's still a HACK.

TheOneTrueGuy said...

Hack spelled with two M's... that's funny! I'm guessing that the M's are silent?

Shame the director ain't!


That's a NASTY pix

Anonymous said...

i expect no less from guy

TheOneTrueGuy said...

Nor should you!

TheOneTrueGuy said...

I just finished watching the original again for the first time in a few years.

Yes, dated of course, but what a great example of how the older films tend to be better than the new crop of idiots making films nowadays.

I'm hoping that Bryan Singer's remake of Logan's Run does what it can to reverse the trend of inferior remakes. As much as I like the original with Michael York and Jenny Agutter I think Logan's Run is prime for a remake... particularly if they at least TRY to emulate the book!

Lori said...

For your sake, I hope Singer's version of 'Logan's Run' is as good as it should be. Personally, though, I wish the guy would go back and fix the mess Ratner made of X-Men.